We live in a globalized society where various languages are spoken. Each language represents various cultures, identities, heritages, historical and political backgrounds. Beyond being merely a way of communicating, languages become a part of power relations. Dominant languages overshadow minority ones, leading to disparities in access to information, resources, and opportunities. This is where the concept of linguistic justice comes into play.
Simply put, linguistic justice refers to the fair treatment and recognition of all languages and language speakers within a society. It aims to ensure individuals equitable access to social and political life regardless of their language background.
One of the most effective ways of promoting linguistic justice is, no doubt, through translation and interpretation. Translators/interpreters play a crucial role in supporting interlinguistic justice in several ways:
- They break down barriers and enable individuals and societies to equally access information and fully engage in social, economic, and political life.
- They promote the visibility of a minority language and raise awareness with their presence in various settings.
- They can advocate for language rights and language policies that recognize and respect linguistic diversity.
- They build trust and positive relations among individuals speaking various languages. Their sensitivity to cultural nuances and communication styles facilitates smooth interactions and reduces misunderstandings. By ensuring effective communication for all individuals, they contribute to a more equitable and accessible society.
In conclusion, language interpreters are valuable allies in ensuring interlinguistic justice. By breaking down barriers, they embrace linguistic diversity and work towards a future where every language is valued and respected. In this way, they help societies meet the world.